What is aggregation pipeline in Mongodb?

What is aggregation pipeline in Mongodb?

Aggregation in mongodb is refered as the process of performing different type of operation on multiple documents with in a collection. This is done by using pipeline, which is made up of different stages. A stage output is input for another stage.

Different type of Aggregation pipeline:

$match : It is a operation which filters documents based on specified criteria.


const Channel = await User.aggregate([
        username: username?.toLowerCase()

$lookup : performs a left outer join to a collection in the same database. The $lookup stage adds a new array field to each input document. The new array field contains the matching documents from the "joined" collections. The $lookup passes these reshaped stage to next stage.

       from: "subscriptions", //select from the collection
       localField: "_id", // localfield of the collection
       foreignField: "channel", // foreignfield of the collection
       as: "subscribers" // Name of the returned collection

$addFields: $addFields add new fields to the output output document that contains all the existing field from the input document

        $size : "$subscribers"

In this example, $cond is adds field with some computation and condition.

$project: it passes the document with the requested fields to the next stage in the pipeline. The field can be existing fields from the input document or newly computed fields


In $project 1 represents that it should pass these fields which have 1.

A big big thank you Hitesh Choudhary sir , who made a video on aggregation pipeline in hindi.